Tomlin Academy is a daycare center and preschool that uses advanced teaching methods to prepare students for Kindergarten. This is why many of the scholars who have attended Tomlin Academy have been reported by their teachers to be reading at a 1st or 2nd grade level upon entering Kindergarten.
At Tomlin Academy, it is not enough for students to align with, or beat, teaching standards - we pride ourselves in creating a Christ-centered classroom environment where scholars learn how to think logically, problem solve, become independent thinkers, and respect themselves and others. Simply put, we are more than just a daycare.
Since 90% of a child’s brain develops in the first five years, their experiences during this critical time have the potential to greatly shape their character, how they think, and how they process information. This is why focusing heavily on developing a student's character, in addition to the math, reading and other academic measures, is such a large focus for us. This rigorous curriculum places us ahead of other daycares, in that we promote a challenging educational space for children to thrive.
We are not your average daycare center. We are your childcare center of choice. We are the model early childhood center. We are an academic institution that is willing to take your child's education to the next level.
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"If you want your children to be in a safe place, I encourage you to enroll them to Tomlin Academy"

"I appreciate being in a space where I drop my kids off and I don't have to worry about them."

"Tomlin Academy, I highly recommend it 10 out of 10"